Regional, State & National Nonprofit Sector by the Numbers

Fundamental Information on Central Texas, Texas and United States Nonprofit Sectors

(accessing National Center for Charitable Statistics of the Urban Institute, Washington, DC; all data based on IRS 990s submitted by exempt organizations to the Internal Revenue Service)


Too often what passes for data or information about the nonprofit sector is incorrect.  Terms mean different things to different people.  Clarity of terms is critical to understanding the information that is available.

There is no more reliable source of fundamental data and information than the National Center for Charitable Statistics, a part of the Washington, DC based Urban Institute – and basic data and information is free. Their mission is to develop and disseminate high quality data on nonprofit organizations and their activities for use in research on the relationships between the nonprofit sector, government, the commercial sector, and the broader civil society.”

Contact Barry Silverberg at CNS if you wish more data and information on our regional, state, or national nonprofit sector.

To find info on a specific nonprofit, including its IRS status and copies of its IRS 990s


United States Nonprofit Sector

Texas Nonprofit Sector

Central Texas Nonprofit Sector

Filing Your 990