
Board of Directors Fiduciary Excellence

Join us as Sean facilitates this 5-part series covering all aspects of Fiduciary Excellence!Everyone is welcome!Although this course is aimed at nonprofit board members, everyone is welcome to attend. That includes leadership staff who want to understand board responsibilities and perspectives better as well as individuals who do not currently serve on boards.Join us for this five-week course for boards to dig deep on nonprofit financial best practices, help them avoid pitfalls and permit them to make a strong overall contribution to the organization they serve.Nonprofit Austin reserves the right to postpone this learning opportunity if there is inadequate registration.Week 1: Core roles and duties:-Legal requirements of all board members (quoting TX law)-Legal liability-Horror stories (Family Connections, my mom, etc.)-D&O Insurance-Treasurer role-Chair’s role-Finance Committee role (briefly; more next week)Week 2: Relationship with staff – getting it right; adding value:Board relationship with staff-Executive Director-Accounting and finance staff-Power dynamics and the importance of clear rolesFinance Committee Role-Adding value to the board-Adding value to the staff-Overperforming and underperformingWeek 3: Financial ReportsWhy read the financial reports? Plus, how to read the financial reports-Balance Sheet-Profit and Loss-Materiality (what to worry about and what not to worry about)-Dashboards-Inclusion-Engaging the full board in financial decisionsWeek 4: Fraud […]

$75.00 - $150.00

Strengthening Your Business Model for Financial Sustainability

This five-part series guides participants through the process of visualizing their business model utilizing the matrix map.This five-part series – facilitated by Steve Zimmerman, a co-author of Nonprofit Sustainability: Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability - guides participants through the process of visualizing their business model utilizing the matrix map, a visual depiction of an organization’s business model – or how every program contributes to the organization’s sustainability, impact, and profitability. Together, they will learn how to assess mission impact, determine profitability, and plot the map. More than a picture, the matrix map offers strategic imperatives to drive decision making to strengthen sustainability. Participants will receive templates throughout the process to implement on their own and will have access to extra engagement during the process to answer their questions.What is “sustainable” is constantly changing as the environment in which nonprofits operate changes. Sustainability is an orientation, not a destination. As such, truly sustainable organizations have leadership with a shared understanding of what is driving their impact and financial viability and are able to make ongoing strategic decisions while holding both of these elements together.There is a deep interconnectedness between a nonprofit’s ability to be financially viable and to have impact. […]


Top 4 Ways Organizations Undermine Employee Engagement & Accountability

Austin Community College: Highland Business Center 5930 Middle Fiskville Road, Austin

& What to do About it !This talk will provide a research-based framework and powerful understanding in whatACTUALLY drives engagement and the hidden dynamics that erode engagement. And, best of all,participants will leave with a clear vision and practical steps to take to immediately and powerfullyshift the attitudes and mindsets of their teams.Learning Objectives:Understand new, powerful research on what truly motivates and engages adults in theworkforce, and also what disengages them!Gain stark understanding from real-world examples of hidden dynamics suffocatingengagement on your team.Walk out with a plan of action to immediately address disengagement and dysfunctionin your workplace!Nonprofit Austin reserves the right to postpone this learning opportunity if thereis inadequate registration.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------More about our facilitator: Meg Poag is a licensed master social worker graduating from the University of Texas at Austin in the Administration and Planning concentration of the School of Social Work. She is currently working as a senior planner for social services and low-income housing development for the Health and Human Services Department of Travis County, Texas. In addition, Meg serves as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Texas School of Social Work, teaching a course titled Community Building and Leadership for second year masters students. Meg has […]
