
Strengthening Your Business Model for Financial Sustainability

This five-part series guides participants through the process of visualizing their business model utilizing the matrix map.This five-part series – facilitated by Steve Zimmerman, a co-author of Nonprofit Sustainability: Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability - guides participants through the process of visualizing their business model utilizing the matrix map, a visual depiction of an organization’s business model – or how every program contributes to the organization’s sustainability, impact, and profitability. Together, they will learn how to assess mission impact, determine profitability, and plot the map. More than a picture, the matrix map offers strategic imperatives to drive decision making to strengthen sustainability. Participants will receive templates throughout the process to implement on their own and will have access to extra engagement during the process to answer their questions.What is “sustainable” is constantly changing as the environment in which nonprofits operate changes. Sustainability is an orientation, not a destination. As such, truly sustainable organizations have leadership with a shared understanding of what is driving their impact and financial viability and are able to make ongoing strategic decisions while holding both of these elements together.There is a deep interconnectedness between a nonprofit’s ability to be financially viable and to have impact. […]


Internal Controls For Smaller Organizations: Orgs with 2 -5 People

5930 Middle Fiskville Rd 5930 Middle Fiskville Road, Austin

Join us for a 90-minute discussion on internal controls for smaller organizations.Learn the design and implementation of internal controls and strategies for preventing fraud and errors. Participants will explore how to establish a robust control environment through a risk assessment lens. Leave with practical guidance that balances the need for oversight with the realities of being a smaller operation. Additionally, this class will provide practical guidance on how to prioritize and allocate resources to areas of highest risk, ensuring that internal controls are both effective and sustainable. Discussion led by Holly Raymond.Nonprofit Austin reserves the right to postpone this opportunity if there is not adequate resgistration.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------More about our facilitator, Holly Raymond: The success of Upbring's mission depends largely on two key components: finances and operations. Holly Raymond understands not just the importance of efficient operations and sound finances, but how to maximize both. As the Chief Financial Officer of Upbring, Holly directs finance, facilities, budget and procurement functions as well as information technology and human resource administration for the organization. Since joining Upbring in 2017, Holly has implemented structural modifications, strengthening financial operations that has resulted in a 25% overall organizational growth. In her prior role, as Senior Vice President of Finance, […]
