Ask a Grant Writer (Grant AMA)! w/Susannah Erler

Ask a Grant Writer (Grant AMA)! w/Susannah ErlerGot a thorny RFP question? First time writing a Federal proposal? Not sure how to start your need statement? Sign up for this free 60-minute virtual roundtable, led by Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) Grant Writer Susannah Erler. She says: “nonprofit professionals, bring your grant questions and ask me anything; and maybe we’ll get some crowd-sourced answers from participants too.” Together we are stronger – the goal is to help you ‘Get that Grant’ to support nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations.



What is an audit and why do I need it? Board of directors’ roles and responsibilities RFP Process Preparing for the Audit What to expect during fieldwork from the auditor  Audit Standards and Terminology Auditor Opinion Options Types of management letters and other communications with governance Red Flags for an auditor  Financial statements, notes, supplemental schedules within audit package Board and Management Review of Audit Politics of the Audit Myths and Special Issues in Auditing  Early Bird pricing is available through Monday, January 16, 2023.Must be registered by January 31, 2023.


ORIENTATION TO NONPROFIT AUSTIN'S  GRANT RESEARCH CENTER TOOLS w/Susannah ErlerOrientation to Nonprofit Austin's Grant Research Center Tools (Foundation Directory Online and Guidestar Pro).Want to focus on ways the Foundation Directory Online (FDO) database or Guidestar Pro can support your nonprofit work? Nonprofit Austin at ACC is ready to help you leverage Grant Research Center tools to find funding, conduct research and take your 501(c)3 work to the next level.Sign up for this free virtual Orientation to Grant Research Center Tools.After taking this orientation, you will be eligible to sign up for some one-on-one time with “Your Personal Nonprofit Trainer (FDO and Guidestar Pro)” if you need more assistance with GRC tools.
