Improv Skills for Work & Life: Public Speaking & Persuasive Communication
Improv Skills for Work & Life: Public Speaking & Persuasive Communication w/ Lacy Alana 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, & 4/27Whether you regularly lead trainings, or just need to share your ideas in small team meetings, being able to effectively communicate information is an essential skill for both work and life. Through this experiential training series, you'll strengthen your public speaking skills, harness your ability to persuasively communicate your ideas, and better understand how to connect and affect your listeners. Each week, we'll explore a different sub-topic in this category. Each training can be attended individually, regardless of whether you've attended the others. This training will be interactive and experiential, so it is best to join by computer with video. Weekly sub-topics include: Weekly sub-topics include:1. Connect & Affect: Getting others on board with you is a valuable skill. This workshop will focus on tools that you can use to harness your persuasive power and build genuine rapport with your audience.2. Effectively Organize Your Information: Sometimes, relaying the facts isn't enough. This workshop will focus on tools that you can use to best cluster and present your information for buy-in and engagement. 3. Anxiety & Distraction Busters: Often, anxiety and other distractors […]