Building Team Connection, Levity, and Energy in the Midst of Pandemic Fatigue w/ Lacy Alana 3/23/21 & 3/30/21Many people are finding both their personal and professional lives impacted by "pandemic fatigue" in a big way as we hit the one year pandemic anniversary. The stressors, continued uncertainty, pandemic-induced isolation, and online fatigue have combined forces - leaving a lot of people feeling zapped, unmotivated, and disconnected from their friends and colleagues. In this 2- part , we'll build skills and explore interactive exercises and activities that you can take back to your teams and communities to combat these impacts. This mini-series will focus on blending brain science, self-care, business communication frameworks, and applied improvisation together to improve motivation, build energy, creative connectivity, and strengthen teamwork. Join us and invite your colleagues!Week 1. March 23, 2021 | 12 PM to 1 PM Week 2. March 30, 2021 | 12PM to 1 PM
The Art of Finding Grant Opportunities with Susannah ErlerIt is one of the biggest ‘grant writing secrets’: your chances of obtaining funding increase significantly when you find the right funding opportunity. Don’t spin your wheels; make sure you’re applying to funders that align with your nonprofit organization. This online class will clearly lay out the steps and strategies for effective grant prospecting. This can be taken as a stand-alone class or part of the April 2021 series.