LeAnn Powers
Chief Professional Officer at United Way of Williamson County
LeAnn Powers, Chief Professional Officer (CPO) at United Way of Williamson County (UWWC), was appointed to this position in May 2009. Joining the organization in June 2008, Ms. Powers served as the Community Impact Director prior to her current role as the organization’s director.
As CPO, Ms. Powers is responsible for developing and maintaining relationships, convening and collaborating around community needs, and actively participating in the community with funded agencies, nonprofits, businesses, governmental organizations, elected officials, community leaders, and local collaborations. Additionally she serves as a resource to volunteers, funded agencies and other partners and oversees the organization’s grant application and reporting processes.
Ms. Powers has 20 years of experience in the nonprofit field with a particular expertise in organizing and establishing new programs. She initiated a new development program for Lone Star Circle of Care, a non-profit providing healthcare resources to the uninsured and underserved in Williamson County, in 2007 and 2008. From 2003 to 2007, Ms. Powers served as the first Director of Development & Administration for Down Home Ranch, a working ranch for those with mental handicaps. Here she served on the Executive team and coordinated the fundraising, special events, volunteers, and property rental. Additionally she wrote and implemented organizational policies and procedures.
From 1989 to 2003, Ms. Powers was with the Diocese of Austin in Texas. In 1995 she was appointed Director of Stewardship and Development with the main focus of directing the Annual Diocesan Appeal, growing it from $1.65 million to over $4 million.
In addition to directing the Appeal she wrote and implemented the diocesan Parish Stewardship Process, Faithful Stewards of God’s Gifts. Additionally, Ms. Powers was a member of the Board of Directors for the International Catholic Stewardship Council from 1998 to 2003, serving as Board secretary, chair of the Committee for Parish Stewardship Education and Services, and on the faculty of the ICSC Winter Institute.
Ms. Powers and her family have lived in the Round Rock area since 1988, having moved there from North Dakota. She and her husband enjoy spending as much time as possible with their four grandchildren.
Brief statement why you have accepted appointment and what you would consider to have been a successful tenure when your term:
As the director of an organization that provides grant funding to nonprofits in the Central Texas area, I have a sincere interest in strengthening the capabilities and capacity of nonprofits so they can more effectively achieve their missions. Ensuring that nonprofit organizations function at the highest level of governance, management and operations comes from continued development and training of the Board of Directors and all the organization’s staff. Because of these reasons, I believe that all nonprofits need to have access to quality programs and superior instructors. And because the majority of the Central Texas nonprofits have limited budgets, this high level of programming needs to be reasonably priced and easily accessed.
Brief statement on your sense of the Center’s impact for its first 15 years and its potential for future:
The Center has been able to provide consultation services, informative programming and a wealth of resources for hundreds of nonprofits which in turn has helped thousands of nonprofit staff & boards do their work better. As the Central Texas region continues to grow – and the need in the community also grows – it will be paramount to have the most efficient and effective nonprofit programs. This can only happen with well-trained and informed boards & staff. Additionally, the number of new nonprofits continues to grow not only in the Austin area, but also in all the counties surrounding Austin, so the need for professional support of these new nonprofits will increase. CNS needs to be the leader in providing premier programs and services to nonprofit organizations throughout all of Central Texas.